Project "Aura", Utrecht (2016)

The Utrecht Forum shows color

A while ago, Lumen Solutions has been given the opportunity to contribute to the lighting design of a beautiful art project, around the Utrecht Central station.

Commissioned by PolyLester, Lumen Solutions provided the lighting for this great work of art, called “Aura”, at the Forum opposite the City Office in Utrecht.

The installation was commissioned to Lumen Solutions by Bekhuis Lichtprojecten in Almelo. The luminaires used are of CLS LED, type REVO BASIC.

On behalf of Lumen Solutions, we have done our best to meet the demands and wishes of this project as well as possible, and we also hope that PolyLester is satisfied with the achieved result.

In addition, we would like to thank PolyLester and Bekhuis for a great collaboration, and we wish them a lot of fun with this impressive work of art in the coming years.

Do you have questions about this project, other projects or perhaps your own project?
Please contact us via;
Tel: +31 (0) 88 - 77 22 777

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